Club News and Information |
September Meeting Speaker
September's Speaker is Joe Tierney of the Bass River Marina
August Meeting
Captain Jim Luce was on hand to hand out the prizes for the Captain Bob Luce Derby. In the course of seven trips more than 100 fish were caught and more important fun was had by all! There was a tie for biggest fish with each Howard Mulhern and Jack Creighton both landing a 39" doormat. Eddie Burk and Dick Kelly both had a 38" fish so they tied for third place. Everyone can't wait to try again next year. Also please thank Jack Creighton and Dick Kelly who both contributed their winnings to the Cape Cod Salties Foundation Reef Fund. In July it was decided to wait on whether to endorse the Friends of Nantucket Sound legislation to make part of Nantucket Sound into a national monument until more information is had. After careful review and research the Board of Directors voted to endorse the legislation 7 to 1 and bring it to the body of the club for consideration. After a lively discussion and opinions for and against it was put to the body for consideration. The club voted a majority to endorse the legislation seeing as it will not affect any commercial or recreational fishing. It was also put to the body of the club to vote to endorse Anglers for Wind Power, that vote passed unanimously. It is important to stay involved in these maters so when decisions that effect the fishery are made we can be part of the discussion. Vice President Randall Sherman put forth a proposal for a ranking system for donors to the foundation. The proposal was passed unanimously by the body of the club. These rankings will be published in the future via the monthly news letter. Thanks to a great idea from Jay Walpole and the computer skills of Jay Pavick, our club is now registered as a charitable foundation on the Amazon Smile program. Whenever you place an order on and are asked if you want to support a charity, please select Cape Cod Salties Foundation. Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchases to our foundation. Please encourage friends and family from near and far to do this and help our conservation effort. We placed an order tonight to try it out. The donations are tiny, but they will add up. Thanks for your help and support. The challenge was issued for members to not only come up with fund raising ideas for the foundation but to help bring those ideas to fruition. The Allenburg family of South Yarmouth donated a lot of fishing gear including a 10.5' surf rod. That rod was auctioned off at the August meeting and brought the foundation $110.00 closer to its goal. The club is in immediate need of several officers. The Secretary and President positions will need to be filled. If you are interested in either of these positions please make you intentions known as soon as possible. This way you can learn from the people who are now doing these jobs so well. The continued support of the members is always needed to continue the success of the club and the good work it is doing.
Environmental Affairs President Creighton reported the Environmental Police were down at Packet Landing and caught someone with a large amount of conch (channeled whelk). The conch were returned to the water and the captain of the vessel received a summons. Also, in the Mystic River in Everett, there were such a large number of menhaden in a school that the outside ones put so much pressure on the inside ones that 30 or 40 thousand suffocated. Although this seems like sad news the birds in the area were very happy. Lastly there was a report of a decrease in horseshoe crabs in the northeast.
If you come across a book or article that you think others in the club might be interested in please forward the information so it can be listed in the monthly newsletter.
Cape Cod Salties Foundation News |
CC Salties Foundation News
Notice is provided that if needed a meeting of the Foundation will be held right after the conclusion of the Sportfishing Club business on Sept 26, 2018.
FUNDRIASER SALE AT MEETING: Bring your cash and checks to the next meeting where a quantity of donated fishing gear will be sold with all proceeds to benefit the CC Salties Foundation!
Items include: A size 11 pair of Pro Line Waders Some Sebile plugs Orca Plugs Bombers and Yozuri plugs Needlefish plugs Poppers Metal lip plugs Multiple sizes and quantities of soft plastics, many with the jig heads A few photos are at the end of this section.
We have received the donation check for $5,000 from the Bass Pro Shops!
As a result of the presentation to the BOD last month, Curley Direct Mail has prepared some direct mailing proposals for our consideration to greatly enhance our fundraising efforts. Chairman Sherman will be meeting with them before our next meeting and should have updated info for possible action and approval.
Cape Cod Salties Foundation 2018 Foundation Donors |
E Burke Dick Kelly S Israelian |
Taackle Sale John and Maxine Rice Peter Richenburg |
Rick Cain J Creighton K M Hibbard |
Hook, Line, and Eel Day Barry Sullivan |
Bass Pro Shops D Dockery J Dudac |
Riverview Bait and Tackle R Sherman |
At the August meeting we had the pleasure of hearing from (as Jack called him) The Mad Fisherman, Martha's Vineyard's Peter Johnson. Peter back in the day served his country in the Navy as a Carrier Attack Pilot as if that was not enough he went on to be the owner of Roberts Lures. He was very entertaining as he had tales from when he was a younger man having to make money by fishing. He went over the evolution of some of the lures over the last half a century and his history of fishing and lure making. In 1997 Peter bought Roberts Lures. He gradually improved the production of these lures and continues to improve them today taking into account research of other engineers and scientists. Through some excellent marketing his lures are now sold around the globe for fishing many, many different species.
This is always a great event. You can count on good food, good people and we do a little good for the environment while we are at it. Please sign up at one of the monthly meetings before this date. Many hands make light work!!
Kayak Cleanup
This month's Kayak Cleanup will be October 7th at Gull Pond in Wellfleet. If you are interested in this event please contact Tom Planert at
October Meeting is the Fish Dinner!!
The October meeting will be here before you know it and you do not want to miss the spread these people put out for the annual fish dinner. Please get your paperwork in as soon as possible so we can get an accurate head count. It would be a travesty if we did not have enough to go around.
We have some great Fish Tales for you this month!
On a trip aboard the Reel Grit in August, Cole Regan topped his father's Striper by a tad.Cole's fish is on the right.
 Salties, from left, Ken Whiting, Jay Pavick, Dan Cavicchi, Bruce MacLeod, Ed Burke, and John Sorcenelli aboard the Sea Hawk in September had a great Cod trip with fish up to twenty pounds. Cusk, Wolf Fish, Flounder, Haddock, and Pollock were also landed.
Ken Whiting and his son in law Michael Whitney with Bass River Charters hooked five Bluefin, landing the fifth one which weighed 350 lbs and was 82" long. The fish was too big to keep so, it will be auctioned off.
 Ken Whiting with a 68lb Yellowfin caught on the Helen H in September
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