Club News and Information |
August Meeting Speaker
August's Speaker is Peter Johnson of Roberts Lures
July Meeting
We had a late start to the meeting this month due to a mix up with the keys to let us in the building but we made it in eventually. President Crieghton was concerned over whether to support the Alliance to Support Nantucket Sound and suggested that we get the answers to several questions before voting on whether to support them or not, that information will soon be passed to the membership for consideration. The club is in immediate need of several officers. The Secretary and President positions will need to be filled. If you are interested in either of these positions please make you intentions known as soon as possible. This way you can learn from the people who are now doing these jobs so well. The continued support of the members is always needed to continue the success of the club and the good work it is doing. Vice President Randall Sherman gave a brief report on the Hook, Line and Eel event put on by Riverview Bait & Tackle. The Salties participated in this event last month by sharing their know how and experiences with novice fisher people. The modest entrance fees to this event that totaled $165.00 were donated to the Cape Cod Salties Foundation, and on top of that Riverview made their own donation of $2500.00 to the foundation, this needless to say was an incredible gift.
Please remember next time you are in their store to wear your Salties hat and thank them for all of us. Flyers promoting the foundation were dropped off at all the local tackle shops and the town of Yarmouth was petitioned to let us distribute the flyers at the boat ramp. Randall will let us know how that turns out. Fundraising is incredibly important to the foundation to keep it going and able to do all the things that are planned. There was a challenge put forth to everyone, if you believe in the work that the foundation is doing then please donate. Any amount is helpful, also to solicit contributions from other sportsmen and women that will benefit as well. The Tessen Scholarship this year was warded to Benjamin Bohnenberger of Mashpee High School, who plans to attend Colgate this fall. His letter was so impressive that he was also awarded the Brewster Scholarship as well. The Dagget Scholarship was awarded to Kevin Liu, he plans on attending UMass Lowell this fall while majoring in physics and chemistry. Last month the club had it's annual Fluke Trip aboard the Helen H. There were a lot of nice fluke coming over the rails with most anglers catching 3 to 5 keepers. Below see Jay Pavick with his 8.4lb and Ed Burke with a double digit fluke. Note that Ed's doormat was caught using a Joe O'Clair custom fluke rig. They are available from Joe, give him a shout.
 And here is John Sorcinelli with another double digit fluke 
There were also some rally nice Black Seabass caught as well. As always the Helen H did a grat job of keeping them on the fish. A reminder to all of you out there fishing, it seems the great white sharks out there are figuring out that following a fishing boat is a good way to get a free meal. Be especially mindful, not to mention careful bringing in the fish and reviving them when putting them back.
Environmental Affairs
New England Fisheries Management Council will be addressing the Herring Amendment December 25-27, 2018 (We will confirm the date as I doubt they will hold the hearings on Christmas Day). Anglers are encouraged to attend the meeting. More information will be forwarded as it becomes available. The club will be holding the annual Cape Cod Canal clean up on September 29th, 2018. This is always a great day where there is good food, good fun and for as good cause. If you are interested in participating please contact Bill Cottle.
This poem was found and submitted by one of our members. Take a look and send any comments to Ron.
A Display of Mackerel BY MARK DOTY
They lie in parallel rows, on ice, head to tail, each a foot of luminosity
barred with black bands, which divide the scales’ radiant sections
like seams of lead in a Tiffany window. Iridescent, watery
prismatics: think abalone, the wildly rainbowed mirror of a soapbubble sphere,
think sun on gasoline. Splendor, and splendor, and not a one in any way
distinguished from the other nothing about them of individuality. Instead
they’re all exact expressions of the one soul, each a perfect fulfilment
of heaven’s template, mackerel essence. As if, after a lifetime arriving
at this enameling, the jeweler’s made uncountable examples, each as intricate
in its oily fabulation as the one before Suppose we could iridesce,
like these, and lose ourselves entirely in the universe of shimmer would you want
to be yourself only, unduplicatable, doomed to be lost? They’d prefer,
plainly, to be flashing participants, multitudinous. Even now they seem to be bolting
forward, heedless of stasis. They don’t care they’re dead and nearly frozen,
just as, presumably, they didn’t care that they were living: all, all for all,
the rainbowed school and its acres of brilliant classrooms, in which no verb is singular,
or every one is. How happy they seem, even on ice, to be together, selfless, which is the price of gleaming.
At the July meeting we were lucky to get a visit from Al Gags himself, he of Al Gags Lures. His lures have evolved over the years to the plastics that we use today, expertly made right down to the angle of the paddle tail. He puts his years of fishing experience into his designs making it easier for all of us to catch fish. He told us how in the right situation you can catch fish regardless of the tide. Al presented a great short video of some anglers catching some really nice fish at the Cape Cod Canal. There testimonial and results were impressive.
This is always a great event. There is always good food, good people and we do a little good for the environment while we are at it. Please sign up at one of the monthly meetings before this date.Many hands make light work!!
We have some great Fish Tales for you this month
 Barbara and Wayne Butler had the privilege of helping Joe Branzetti celebrate his 90th birthday. Went out with Joe, his son Joe and grandson Nick for a day of fishing in Barnstable Harbor. Picture shows the 3 generations and includes a nice schoolie striper caught by Joe Sr.
 Here is great picture from the July 13th Luce trip
 Look at the smiling faces of these ladies on the July 2nd Luce trip
Lesley Callahan winner of Ladies Luce Tournament with a 43" striper
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