APRIL 2018 President’s Message
Hello, Fisherpeople!
As I stood in my kitchen looking out the window on April 6, as the hail was bouncing off the side of the house, I was saying, ‘”Please, not again!” But, as it turned out, April 7 was a great night for the Annual Banquet, and we had a wonderful crowd. As the banquet started, the membership voted unanimously to make 90-year-old Joe Branzetti a life member of the Salties. Because of the fishing tackle, rods, and reels donated by Mary Baker, along with Bill & Mary Alice Cottle’s annual contribution, and many donations from Salties, we made almost $5,000 for the night. A good group of members also donated gift certificates for the raffles. The BOD and I thank everyone involved for making this a highly successful evening.
A surprise of the evening was three donations to the Reef Account of $1,000 each from Jim & Belva Dudac, Doug & Jeanne Dockery, and Randall & Ruth Sherman. We very much appreciate their generosity!
Reef Chairman Randall Sherman emailed that we are in competition for an offsetting grant that would give us substantial funds for the trucking and barging cost of the project, with the materials and their value being our match toward the project. Randall is working with Mark Rousseau of DMF, Robert B. Our Co., the Yarmouth DNR, and the Dennis DPW. Randall will give an update at the April meeting.
Capt. Jim Luce was at the Annual Banquet and suggested for this year’s Capt. Bob Luce Tournament that two additional trips be set up for fisherwomen, and this will be called the Barbara Luce Memorial Tournament. Six packs are being formed for June and July for interested participants. Ed Burke has volunteered to be the chairman of this year’s dual Luce Memorials. For some reason Capt. Jim made reference to the fact that he wonders which side will get the biggest fish - the male or female fisherpeople. I just hope we can have a great time!
The Earth Day Canal Cleanup is Saturday, April 21, under the direction of Dr. Bill Cottle. If you signed up, be sure to show up and help our group. I will put out a reminder later in the week.
Randall Sherman has put out several requests, and we need more volunteers to do counts at the Yarmouth Herring Run. If you can devote twenty minutes a day a couple of days a week, please reach out to Randall at 508 280-8825.
For the forty people going on this year’s Haddock Trip on May 4, chairman John Sorcenelli has good news! We can bring our own coolers on board, and they will be kept upstairs. Your own fish can be kept in your own coolers. It goes without saying no alcohol and no taking of illegal fish.
Chairman Ron Rodriques has been turning in applications and money for the June 2 and 3 Two-Day Derby. These applications are also on the webpage.
Although the Fluke Trip is in July, Ken Whiting already has many seats filled. Don’t be shut out!
The Wives & Sweethearts Dinner is now going to be Saturday, June 9, at the Riverway Restaurant in South Yarmouth. Applications are available on the events page at capecodsalties.org.
In closing, I have to mention the tragic shooting death of Yarmouth Police Officer Sean Gannon, who was shot and killed in the line of duty on Thursday, April 12, while serving a search warrant in Marstons Mills as part of a Joint Task Force. Losing Officer Gannon puts our quest for catching fish in the proper perspective. I believe I speak for all the Salties when I express condolences to his wife and family, to the Yarmouth Police Department, and to the Thin Blue Line.
Thanks, and hold tight!
Jack (jecreighton45@gmail.com, 508 394-2983)
Club News and Information |
April Meeting Speaker
This month we have the Coast Guard coming down to make sure we all stay safe this season. We also have Jim Luce bring us through the 2018 club tournament. You don't want to miss this one
March Meeting
The big news is that thanks to the very hard work and determination of Randall Sherman the clubs foundations 501 3C status is all set. This gives way for proper fund raising for projects such as the reef project. As far as the reef is concerned there was a lot of work done over the winter. Many forms were created and are ready to be deployed as well as other materials. There is a closed window for deploying material to the reef, April 15th to June 15th that we will have to work around.
The club is still looking at the formation of some special interest groups. This will allow people to interact and even fish with others with their particular interests such as surf fishing, boating, shell fishing etc.
Bill Cottle who also heads up the Fly Fishing/ Tying group is looking into doing a meet and greet at his home where the members can get tot know each other and learn from each other.
Environmental AffairsCanal Cleanup
Bill Cottle let us know that we will be doing the Canal Clean Up again this year and it is scheduled for the last Saturday in September. Bill is also looking for more volunteers for the Earth Day clean up on April 21st. For this Clean-up we will meet at the parking area near the Railroad Bridge at 9:30 am. There will be a shuttle service and most importantly breakfast and lunch will be served.
Herring Run Clean-UpThis is a picture of just part of the motley crew that made this years Herring Run Clean-Up such a success
Herring Run Counting
Randall Sherman is still looking to fill some slots for herring counting at the local runs. If you have not done it before they are more than happy to train anybody willing. Shifts are very short and you get to have some fun as well.
Kayak Cleanup
The Kayak Cleanup is this coming Sunday April 29th at Wequaquet pond in Barnstable. It would be great to have some of the club members participate in this event. The May event was planned for May 13th at Herring River in Harwich but due to Mother's Day it was moved to the 27th. If you are interested in participating in either of these event please contact Tom Planert at fredricplanert@aol.com. He will be able to give you the meeting locations and keep you informed if the event changes.
Lou MacKeil will be running his eight session course on fishing starting April 24th at the Nauset Regional Middle School. Lou has extensive knowledge and experience fishing the waters of Cape Cod and he is offering to share that with you. For more information go to http://www.nausetcommunityed.org
Spring Haddock Trip
As of the last meeting there were only 2 spots lefty for the Haddock trip this May 4th. Time has probably run out on this so you can put your name in on a wait list incase the unlikely event that someone cancels at the last minute.
Fly of the Month
This is a minnow pattern tied in Polar Bear Hair. The hair is about 5" long , very light and works well in the water. The hook is a Gamakatsu 1/0 SL 12S . The head is a 'Fish Mask" # 5. This is a great fly to start your season with as it doesn't take much energy to cast, and it looks great in the water
Annual Banquet
Well it turns out that the Annual Banquet was worth the wait. We had about 100 people in attendance who enjoyed a great meal and even better company. Jack Creighton was a fantastic Master of Ceremonies and Bill Cottle played auctioneer for the evening. The regular and silent auctions were a great success, thank you to all that donated those wonderful items.
Also don’t forget the Wives and Sweethearts dinner in April, it might be the last time you see them until the this fishing season comes to a close.
Book Report Suggestion
Last month we didn't get any book reports but if you have read something interesting that you thing the rest of the club would benefit as well please let us know. Also, if you have a good recipe that would work too.
Last month we were lucky to have Ryan Collins. He is the owner of the informational and interactive web site for "My Fishing Cape Cod" Ryan and his colleague Garret brought us through an entertaining and informative slide presentation. Ryan told us about his upbringing on Cape Cod and some of his experiences fishing. He also showed us how fishing on Cape Cod is not only seasonal but in the right circumstances can be a year round obsession. He stressed the importance of crushing the barbs on hooks and a quick safe release of the fish to ensure fishing for future generations. You can visit his website at https://myfishingcapecod.com/
Haddock Trip 2018
Salties 2018 Haddock Trip Capt. John, Plymouth, MA Friday, May 4, 2018 (Rain Date May 6) Leaves dock at 7:00 a.m.! Cost: $50 Members (limited to 40) Click here for a copy of the Haddock Trip Form
The Spring Derby
The Spring Derby will be June 2nd and 3rd. This is a two day derby that targets striped bass and bluefish. It will wrap up with a barbeque/ pot luck at Bass Hole in Yarmouth on that Sunday afternoon where there will be trophy’s for largest striped bass and bluefish from a boat and from shore. Also everyone that enters a fish is entered into the $100.00 raffle.
July 19th Fluke TripThere are still a few spots available for this trip so sign up soon. You can contact Ken Whiting for more information. The price is $80.00 for members and $105.00 for non-members.
 There were no reports this month but I am sure that will change very soon!!
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