June 2017 President's Message
Fluke, fluke, fluke, fluke, fluke! Go to our website (capecodsalties.org) under Events and find the application for our 2017 Fluke Trip, which has about 15 spots left. Although the price went up since last year, club members still save $55 over walk-in customers. Get your application to Ken Whiting so you don’t get shut out. Remember that we had many disappointed members who did not get the applications in on time last year. I will see if Kent Dumont can get his group of bottom fishermen together for a workshop at the June 28 meeting.
Also during the workshop, Rob Conery from the Cape Cod Times and other news outlets, will do a reading, schedule permitting, from his recently released novel, Shot Monkey: The Early Years.
The fishing has been up and down. It seems there are more sea bass than you can shake a stick at, and Jay Pavick is listed in the Fisherman Magazine with his four-pound plus black sea bass. This is the first time since I have been a Saltie that I have seen a member listed in that location.
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) is seeking public comment on Draft Amendment 1 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Tautog. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 21 at 6:00 p.m. atthe Massachusetts Maritime Academy. I will not be available, but others might be interested.
I hope many of you have been following Ed Wagner’s article in the sports section of The Register. Every Thursday Ed gives a very good update of what’s going on around the Cape. It’s a great article and reflects well on the Cape Cod Salties.
Many people have asked why we should be involved with the scale program. The four species of fish involved – striped bass, black sea bass, fluke, and scup – have a very important economic impact, both recreationally and commercially, in MA. Submission of these biological samples for study gives our decision makers more information to use for the fishery decisions they make on a yearly basis. For example, in 2016 there were 2,000 samples submitted. Of these 2,000, 1,720 were for striped bass. Sea bass, fluke, and scup accounted for the remaining samples. The information provided showed a tendency to catch more fish from boat than from shore. The average length of striped bass caught was 26” from boat and 22” from shore. These fish, for instance, represent the strong 2011 and 2014 year class (birth year). The highest instance of catch is May, June, and July, and this correlates with the smaller fish leaving the estuaries earlier, following the larger fish moving into state waters at a later time. The average 28” bass was six years old. The legal size for black sea bass in MA in 2016 was 15”. The average 15” black sea bass is between four and five years old. The average sample submitted for black sea bass was 16”, and most fish ranged from 14” to 19”. Overall, there were few sub-legal fish samples submitted. (Most of us did not measure small fish, so we did not submit them as samples, but the state needs the data on all sizes. So try to get samples from smaller fish, also.) Last year the average size for fluke was 16” with a bag limit of five fish. The average age of a 16” fluke is three years. The average length of fluke being sampled was 18”, and there were very few small or large fish submitted for samples. My point is that they need samples of smaller size fish for the effectiveness of the program.
In closing, 39 of you will get a final notice this week on dues. A hundred members paying their dues puts $3,000 into our accounts, and with what we are going to do with the tire reef in Yarmouth and Dennis, this money is important. So, if your dues are outstanding, please get them in. Those who are already paid could think about recruiting new members.
Here are some dates for your calendars.
Thanks, and hold tight!
Jack (jecreighton45@gmail.com, 508 394-2983)
Also during the workshop, Rob Conery from the Cape Cod Times and other news outlets, will do a reading, schedule permitting, from his recently released novel, Shot Monkey: The Early Years.
The fishing has been up and down. It seems there are more sea bass than you can shake a stick at, and Jay Pavick is listed in the Fisherman Magazine with his four-pound plus black sea bass. This is the first time since I have been a Saltie that I have seen a member listed in that location.
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) is seeking public comment on Draft Amendment 1 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Tautog. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 21 at 6:00 p.m. atthe Massachusetts Maritime Academy. I will not be available, but others might be interested.
I hope many of you have been following Ed Wagner’s article in the sports section of The Register. Every Thursday Ed gives a very good update of what’s going on around the Cape. It’s a great article and reflects well on the Cape Cod Salties.
Many people have asked why we should be involved with the scale program. The four species of fish involved – striped bass, black sea bass, fluke, and scup – have a very important economic impact, both recreationally and commercially, in MA. Submission of these biological samples for study gives our decision makers more information to use for the fishery decisions they make on a yearly basis. For example, in 2016 there were 2,000 samples submitted. Of these 2,000, 1,720 were for striped bass. Sea bass, fluke, and scup accounted for the remaining samples. The information provided showed a tendency to catch more fish from boat than from shore. The average length of striped bass caught was 26” from boat and 22” from shore. These fish, for instance, represent the strong 2011 and 2014 year class (birth year). The highest instance of catch is May, June, and July, and this correlates with the smaller fish leaving the estuaries earlier, following the larger fish moving into state waters at a later time. The average 28” bass was six years old. The legal size for black sea bass in MA in 2016 was 15”. The average 15” black sea bass is between four and five years old. The average sample submitted for black sea bass was 16”, and most fish ranged from 14” to 19”. Overall, there were few sub-legal fish samples submitted. (Most of us did not measure small fish, so we did not submit them as samples, but the state needs the data on all sizes. So try to get samples from smaller fish, also.) Last year the average size for fluke was 16” with a bag limit of five fish. The average age of a 16” fluke is three years. The average length of fluke being sampled was 18”, and there were very few small or large fish submitted for samples. My point is that they need samples of smaller size fish for the effectiveness of the program.
In closing, 39 of you will get a final notice this week on dues. A hundred members paying their dues puts $3,000 into our accounts, and with what we are going to do with the tire reef in Yarmouth and Dennis, this money is important. So, if your dues are outstanding, please get them in. Those who are already paid could think about recruiting new members.
Here are some dates for your calendars.
- July 20: Fluke Trip – Contact Ken Whiting at 508 430-4629.
- Sept. 30: Cape Cod Salties Annual Canal Cleanup at the Midway Recreation Area, starting at 8:30 a.m., under the direction of long-time canal expert, Dr. Bill Cottle
Thanks, and hold tight!
Jack (jecreighton45@gmail.com, 508 394-2983)
Club News and Information
'Captains' and 'Crew' lists established by Ed Wagner
Although the proposed Black Sea Bass Funday was cancelled due to high winds, the information gathering associated with it will be put to good use. Salties member Ed Wagner has set up a list of 'Captains' (those members who have boats and are willing to occasionally share their boat) and 'Crew' (those members interested in participating in boat trips). The lists are used to communicate group fishing trips. In addition, the use of certain protocols were established to broadcast current locations in code over channel 68 (channel 72 - backup). Likely trips to areas such as the Harwich Fishing Reef, the Yarmouth Tire Reef, and Bishop and Clerks are anticipated.
Haddock Fishing Trip Enjoyed Fair Weather on May 21
A full boat of Salties enjoyed a fine day on the waters near Stellwagen Bank fishing for Haddock on May 21. Although all encountered their share of Sculpins and Cod, a good amount of Haddock were caught by the group and later cleaned by the mates. More importantly, the camaraderie enjoyed by the participants was contagious.
A part of the catch is shown below. For additional photos from the day, click here.
Although the proposed Black Sea Bass Funday was cancelled due to high winds, the information gathering associated with it will be put to good use. Salties member Ed Wagner has set up a list of 'Captains' (those members who have boats and are willing to occasionally share their boat) and 'Crew' (those members interested in participating in boat trips). The lists are used to communicate group fishing trips. In addition, the use of certain protocols were established to broadcast current locations in code over channel 68 (channel 72 - backup). Likely trips to areas such as the Harwich Fishing Reef, the Yarmouth Tire Reef, and Bishop and Clerks are anticipated.
Haddock Fishing Trip Enjoyed Fair Weather on May 21
A part of the catch is shown below. For additional photos from the day, click here.
June Meeting Program Speaker
June 28- Daddy Mac's Vertical Jigging Presentation
First Two Day Derby Ends with Picnic and Awards
The following report was sent along by Ron:
This weekend June 3rd and 4th was the Cape Cod Salties Fishing Club 2017 Spring Derby. We had a total of 20 people signed up for the derby with 12 of them turning in a fish to enter into the 50/50 raffle.
The winners were:
- Biggest Striper from a boat was Joe Healy
- Biggest Bluefish from a boat was Howard Mulhearn
- Biggest Bluefish from land was Jack Creighton
- Biggest Striper from land was no one
Below, Joe Healey is awarded first place for a Striper caught from a boat.

Annual Herring Run Count Concludes for 2017
Hook for Homes Fishing Derby - Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod
From Randall Sherman
A guest speaker form Habitat for Humanity, Wendy Cullinan introduced the club to their fundraising fishing tournament Hook for Habitat Homes running from June 1 thru July 13, 2017. All who register are entered in a drawing for a 5 day trip to Bonair, and on July 15 at Azeleton Park in Hyannis an awards celebration involving food and entertainment. Members can sign up on line at www.haabitatcapecod.org or call Jessica Lachey at 508 362 3559 ext 18.
A motion was made for CC Salties to make a donation to HFH of $200, voted unanimously.
New Members at May Meeting
A warm welcome to Rollie Jenkins of Harwich and Peter Amerosi of Yarmouth, who were introduced to the Salties as new members attending the May meeting.
For any new member with questions, concerns, or needs, please don't hesitate to contact either myself, Jay Pavick (pavicks71@gmal.com) or Jack Creighton (JECREIGHTON45@GMAIL.COM).
May Meeting Speaker
The Reel Grit fishes both Cape Cod Bay and Stellwagen Bank featuring Striped Bass, Blues, Tuna, and Shark. Particular destinations include Billingsgate, Barnstable Flats, Provincetown, Sandy Neck, and Scorton Creek. Depending upon the time and place, the techniques employed include Bucktail Jigs, Hoochies, Tube & Worm, Umbrella Rigs, and live bait. Matt took us through each area and commented on the specific strategy employed there.
His commentary was full of incite into fishing Cape Cod Bay and was well received by the Salties members. Several questions were answered in detail at the end of his presentation. The Reel Grit is offering a 10% discount for Salties in order to encourage a return of Salties fisherman to the Cape Cod Bay Boat experience.The Reel Grit website can be found by clicking here.
Hand Painted Striped Bass Fundraiser
Ken Whiting, has completed a striped bass full body casting that is 40" long suitable for wall mounting; and tickets are being sold. We have not yet met our goal of selling 100 raffle tickets. Please see Ken at the next meeting or call him at 508-430-4629 for a chance to win this piece of art..
Club Fishing Events
Annual In House Derby 2017
Information and entry forms for the In House Derby can be found on our website.
Click here for 2017 In House Derby Information
Click here for 2017 In Hose Derby Entry Form
2017 Annual In House Derby Leaderboard
Click here for 2017 In Hose Derby Entry Form
2017 Annual In House Derby Leaderboard
- Surf bass fly rod : 29.5 inches X 15.5 inches, Bill Cottle
- Surf bluefish all methods: 10 lbs. 13 oz., Jack Creighton
- Boat striper catch and release: 35 inches X 20.5 inches, William "Nick" Nicolson
- Boat striper all methods: 23 lbs.: William "Nick" Nicholson
Cape Cod Salties 13th Annual Fluke and Sea Bass Trip
The 13th Annual Fluke and Sea Bass Trip will be held on Thursday, July 20, 2017, aboard the Helen H. The 100- foot boat is docked at 137 Pleasant Street, Hyannis, MA. Parking is free.
The trip is open to both members and their guests.
The trip is limited to the first 45 people who sign up.
The cost of the trip will be $75 for members and $99 for non-members. Tips and fish cleaning fees have not been included.
The boat will leave the dock at exactly 7:00 A.M. and return about 4:00 P.M.
Please send your check made out to the Cape Cod Salties to
Ken Whiting
313 Bank Street,
Harwich, MA 02645-2707.
Please include your phone number where he can reach you in case of any changes.
For additional info please call Ken Whiting at 508-430-4629.
Link to Registration Form
Annual Captain Bob Luce Memorial Derby
'Captains' Jack Creighton and Kent Dumont are formalizing their dates for trips aboard the Striper.
This is a very popular event in our fishing season and dates fill up fast. Current dates are full; but call Jack or Kent for the next round of slots.
This is a very popular event in our fishing season and dates fill up fast. Current dates are full; but call Jack or Kent for the next round of slots.
Salties Fish Lores