July 2017 President's Message
Hello, Fisherpeople! The fishing has been much better in the last several weeks for striped bass. Many of our folks are still doing great with sea bass and are starting to get fluke. Six of the guys limited out last week on fluke on “Bad Influence.”
Now, on to some business. I received the following letter on June 29 from Kent Dumont, to me as president, and to the Board of Directors of the Cape Cod Salties: “Today I am stepping down as the treasurer of the Cape Cod Salties Sportfishing Club.” Therefore, with an electronic vote of support from the Board of Directors and with the assistance of Bylaws Chair Barry Sullivan, I am appointing John “Jay” Pavick as interim treasurer. This is to inform the membership that we will hold an election at the next meeting on July 26. Jay has agreed to run for this position, and the floor will be open for nominations on the 26th. On behalf of the club, I thank Kent Dumont for his service as treasurer, and we hope he continues to be active with the Salties.
The Captain Bob Luce Memorial Tournament ended on July 12. We have a new winner -- Bruce MacLeod, with a great 32 lb. 8 oz. striper. Jack Creighton was second with a 37” inch striper, and defending champion Ed Burke was third with a 35” fish. If you want to catch a striped bass, there is no better fishing deal on the Cape than on “The Striper,” with Capt. Jim and first mate Billy out of Saquatucket Harbor in Harwich.
On a different note, several of our members and other fisherpeople have been ticketed on the Cape, especially in Barnstable, for parking in parking lots early or late in the day for fishing. At the meeting on the 26th, we will discuss what steps we might take. The Board of Directors will address the issue before the regular meeting and try to come up with a plan of action. Anyone with interest in this issue should be present at the meeting.
As you know, we lost member Bob Baker last year, and his wife Mary, with the assistance of member Alan Swartz, sold some of Bob’s fishing equipment at different sales, and Mary recently sent us a check for $800 for the Reef Account. She also sent an additional check to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. We thank Mary for her generosity.
If you have not been following the Fisherman Magazine contest, Saltie Ken Whiting is in the top ten with a 10 lb. 1oz. fluke, caught on the Helen H. It’s a coincidence that our Salties trip on the Helen H is next week, with only five seats remaining. If you are interested, contact Ken at 508 430-4629. And, by the way, no matter what, the fact that our member is on the leaderboard for all the Northeast states says a great deal for the fishing in New England and for our membership. Maybe that should be the big point on our meeting to discuss the parking bans and tickets on Cape Cod for fisherpeople. The positive economic impact we make obviously doesn’t hold much weight with the town’s administrative leaders. Wouldn’t it be a sad state of affairs if the Cape Cod Salties starting advocating going to Rhode Island to fish to avoid being ticketed in our own state?
Thanks, and hold tight!
Jack (jecreighton45@gmail.com, 508 394-2983)
Now, on to some business. I received the following letter on June 29 from Kent Dumont, to me as president, and to the Board of Directors of the Cape Cod Salties: “Today I am stepping down as the treasurer of the Cape Cod Salties Sportfishing Club.” Therefore, with an electronic vote of support from the Board of Directors and with the assistance of Bylaws Chair Barry Sullivan, I am appointing John “Jay” Pavick as interim treasurer. This is to inform the membership that we will hold an election at the next meeting on July 26. Jay has agreed to run for this position, and the floor will be open for nominations on the 26th. On behalf of the club, I thank Kent Dumont for his service as treasurer, and we hope he continues to be active with the Salties.
The Captain Bob Luce Memorial Tournament ended on July 12. We have a new winner -- Bruce MacLeod, with a great 32 lb. 8 oz. striper. Jack Creighton was second with a 37” inch striper, and defending champion Ed Burke was third with a 35” fish. If you want to catch a striped bass, there is no better fishing deal on the Cape than on “The Striper,” with Capt. Jim and first mate Billy out of Saquatucket Harbor in Harwich.
On a different note, several of our members and other fisherpeople have been ticketed on the Cape, especially in Barnstable, for parking in parking lots early or late in the day for fishing. At the meeting on the 26th, we will discuss what steps we might take. The Board of Directors will address the issue before the regular meeting and try to come up with a plan of action. Anyone with interest in this issue should be present at the meeting.
As you know, we lost member Bob Baker last year, and his wife Mary, with the assistance of member Alan Swartz, sold some of Bob’s fishing equipment at different sales, and Mary recently sent us a check for $800 for the Reef Account. She also sent an additional check to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. We thank Mary for her generosity.
If you have not been following the Fisherman Magazine contest, Saltie Ken Whiting is in the top ten with a 10 lb. 1oz. fluke, caught on the Helen H. It’s a coincidence that our Salties trip on the Helen H is next week, with only five seats remaining. If you are interested, contact Ken at 508 430-4629. And, by the way, no matter what, the fact that our member is on the leaderboard for all the Northeast states says a great deal for the fishing in New England and for our membership. Maybe that should be the big point on our meeting to discuss the parking bans and tickets on Cape Cod for fisherpeople. The positive economic impact we make obviously doesn’t hold much weight with the town’s administrative leaders. Wouldn’t it be a sad state of affairs if the Cape Cod Salties starting advocating going to Rhode Island to fish to avoid being ticketed in our own state?
Thanks, and hold tight!
Jack (jecreighton45@gmail.com, 508 394-2983)
Club News and Information
Hand Painted Fish Casting Winner .
Artisan member Ken Whiting crafted this wall hanging in order to raise money towards the Terry Tessein Scholarship fund. The winning ticket, held by member Dave Peterson, was drawn at the June meeting. Many thanks to all who participated and special thanks to Ken for, once again, sharing his talent in order to help others.
Scholarship Winners Announced
Stan Daggett Scholarship at DY: Thein "Joe" Nguyen
Terry Tessein Scholarship, first recipient from Falmouth High School: Erin O"Malley
Congratulations to Joe and Erin!
July Meeting Program Speaker
Entanglement Team Representative Speaks at June Meeting
Melissa Yow, an intern with the Right Whale Ecology Program at the Center for Coastal Studies in Provincetown spoke at our June meeting. Melissa grew up in East Sandwich fishing for striped bass, working aboard the ferries to Nantucket, and lifeguarding in Osterville. After working in shellfish aquaculture in Dennis and Chatham, she interned with the International Fund for Animal Welfare’s Marine Mammal Research and Rescue team and continues to assist the team with cetacean and pinniped rescues, necropsy, and research. Melissa reviewed the Entanglement Team's efforts to date. The Center for Coastal Studies has freed more than 200 large whales and other marine animals from life threatening entanglements, using techniques developed by Center staff.
To report any live or dead marine animal entanglements, call 1-800-900-3622 or hail the USCG on VHF 16.
Yarmouth Fishing Reef Enhancement Program
Secretary Randall Sherman has been leading an effort for the club's participation in the construction of reef 'structure' to support this project. To date the club has:- Established a separate account for funding this project.
- Procured a federal ID number and has applied for 501 (c3) non profit status which will enhance fundraising.
- Raised funds for this cause.
- Have a potential commitment for a discount on the concrete needed for this project once we receive the concrete specifications needed for this purpose.
- Have a safe area to work and store the concrete reef 'structure' until enough are ready for deployment.
- Have a commitment with the Robert Our Company for the barge needed for deployment.
Fluke Tackle Workshop
The group reminded us that heavier equipment will be necessary as fishing will be in 80 to 100 feet of water. Sixteen to Twenty ounce sinkers are the norm. Larger hooks, in the area of 6/0 should be employed. Newer ideas, such as the use of Gulp 4 inch and 6 inch swimming mullets can be substituted for the standard squid and belly strips. If you have any questions during the trip, be sure to ask for help from the mates; and speaking of the mates, don't forget to thank them with a tip.
June Meeting Speaker

Daddy Mac Lures
Jack Houghton is a commercial fisherman, charter captain and co-owner of Daddy Mac Lures.. He presented equipment and tackle basics for pursuing Striped Bass, Tuna, Mako, Halibut, Fluke, and Scup.
All of which the Daddy Mac line of lures has options for. Although the basics were discussed during the presentation, particulars were broght out during the question and answer session. For Striped Bass, Jack recommended a 'low and slow' presentation of lures in areas of moving water. Tackle should be in the class of Shimano Stradic 5000 series reels and Shimano Trevela Spinning Rods.
Jack concluded by providing the club with a selection of Daddy Mac lures to be rafffled by the club when appropriate.
All of which the Daddy Mac line of lures has options for. Although the basics were discussed during the presentation, particulars were broght out during the question and answer session. For Striped Bass, Jack recommended a 'low and slow' presentation of lures in areas of moving water. Tackle should be in the class of Shimano Stradic 5000 series reels and Shimano Trevela Spinning Rods.
Jack concluded by providing the club with a selection of Daddy Mac lures to be rafffled by the club when appropriate.
Club Fishing Events
Annual In House Derby 2017
Information and entry forms for the In House Derby can be found on our website.
Click here for 2017 In House Derby Information
Click here for 2017 In Hose Derby Entry Form
2017 Annual In House Derby Leaderboard
Click here for 2017 In Hose Derby Entry Form
2017 Annual In House Derby Leaderboard
- Surf bass fly rod : 29.5 inches X 15.5 inches, Bill Cottle
- Surf bluefish all methods: 10 lbs. 13 oz., Jack Creighton
- Boat striper catch and release: 35 inches X 20.5 inches, William "Nick" Nicolson
- Boat striper all methods: 23 lbs.: William "Nick" Nicholson

Cape Cod Salties 13th Annual Fluke and Sea Bass Trip
The 13th Annual Fluke and Sea Bass Trip will be held on Thursday, July 20, 2017, aboard the Helen H. The 100- foot boat is docked at 137 Pleasant Street, Hyannis, MA. Parking is free.
The trip is open to both members and their guests.
The trip is limited to the first 45 people who sign up.
The cost of the trip will be $75 for members and $99 for non-members. Tips and fish cleaning fees have not been included.
The boat will leave the dock at exactly 7:00 A.M. and return about 4:00 P.M.
Please send your check made out to the Cape Cod Salties to
Ken Whiting
313 Bank Street,
Harwich, MA 02645-2707.
Please include your phone number where he can reach you in case of any changes.
For additional info please call Ken Whiting at 508-430-4629.
Link to Registration Form
Salties Fish Tales

Randall Sherman with a Bass taken on the Reel Grit

President Creighton with a 37" fish. Second place Bob Luce Tournament

Bruce MacLeod with the Bob Luce winner 32.5 pounds

This Striper fell victim to a shark while on the line in Cape Cod Bay

Ken Whiting landed this 10 pound 1oz Fluke while fishing from the Helen H
Questions, Comments, Stories to pavicks71@gmail.com 
Bruce MacLeod with the Bob Luce winner 32.5 pounds

This Striper fell victim to a shark while on the line in Cape Cod Bay

Ken Whiting landed this 10 pound 1oz Fluke while fishing from the Helen H