May 2017 President's Message
The last time we spoke, the Haddock Trip was sold out. Then with the bad weather last Sunday, the trip was postponed until May 21. Currently, because of scheduling conflicts, we have nine openings for May 21. Over the last two weeks, at least a dozen Salties have gone out on the Capt. John. As recently as yesterday, six filled their quota with nice size haddock, shown by the photo in the newsletter of Bruce MacLeod. If you could not go before, please join us on May 21 and fill up those nine slots. Contact John Sorcenelli at if interested. When I went out on the boat last Wednesday, the whale and dolphin show, for most people, would have been worth the cost of admission!
Some good news! Yesterday the Atlantic States voted 10-5 to keep the striped bass quota as is, at one fish at 28”. Needless to say, the five nay votes were the Chesapeake Bay gang of five.
Last month, 46 of us met and enjoyed dinner at the Riverway Restaurant for the Annual Wives and Sweethearts Appreciation Dinner. Chairman Doc Serijan, with his assistant Steve Israelian, did a great job, as usual. Not that anyone would be surprised, but after the meal, which consisted of fish, chicken, prime rib, and sides, Steve Israelian was caught making a prime rib sandwich for after his carrot cake dessert!
For those of you working on the herring run counts, you can’t get depressed with the low numbers we have seen to date. One of two things has obviously happened: one, the weather and water temps have not been ideal; and two, there’s the possibility of the trawlers having corralled the fish coming to our runs.
What is happening around here?? We have caught some fish at Nobska Light, Buttermilk Bay, Bass River, West Dennis Beach, and the Canal. There are lots of striped bass around right now, and the big surge hasn’t even come yet.
If you haven’t signed up for Ed Wagner’s One Day Fun Black Sea Bass Trip yet, contact Ed at to see if you can still get in. The event will be held on May 25, the day after our next meeting.
Don’t forget that at the May 24th meeting we will have the 5-7 p.m. Used Tackle Sale for any members who want to set up a table. NO COST! The only requirement is that you send me an email to sign up.
And remember that we will raffle off the amazing 40” striped bass done by Ken Whiting at the May meeting, so if you have not gotten a ticket, try to get one this week by seeing either Ken or myself.
In closing, forty-one of you still owe dues for 2017, so unfortunately this could be your last newsletter. You still have the chance to stay on our roster, and we would love to keep you on, so when we send out the final dues request, please respond quickly.
Here are some dates for your calendars.
Thanks, and hold tight!
Jack (, 508 394-2983)
Some good news! Yesterday the Atlantic States voted 10-5 to keep the striped bass quota as is, at one fish at 28”. Needless to say, the five nay votes were the Chesapeake Bay gang of five.
Last month, 46 of us met and enjoyed dinner at the Riverway Restaurant for the Annual Wives and Sweethearts Appreciation Dinner. Chairman Doc Serijan, with his assistant Steve Israelian, did a great job, as usual. Not that anyone would be surprised, but after the meal, which consisted of fish, chicken, prime rib, and sides, Steve Israelian was caught making a prime rib sandwich for after his carrot cake dessert!
For those of you working on the herring run counts, you can’t get depressed with the low numbers we have seen to date. One of two things has obviously happened: one, the weather and water temps have not been ideal; and two, there’s the possibility of the trawlers having corralled the fish coming to our runs.
What is happening around here?? We have caught some fish at Nobska Light, Buttermilk Bay, Bass River, West Dennis Beach, and the Canal. There are lots of striped bass around right now, and the big surge hasn’t even come yet.
If you haven’t signed up for Ed Wagner’s One Day Fun Black Sea Bass Trip yet, contact Ed at to see if you can still get in. The event will be held on May 25, the day after our next meeting.
Don’t forget that at the May 24th meeting we will have the 5-7 p.m. Used Tackle Sale for any members who want to set up a table. NO COST! The only requirement is that you send me an email to sign up.
And remember that we will raffle off the amazing 40” striped bass done by Ken Whiting at the May meeting, so if you have not gotten a ticket, try to get one this week by seeing either Ken or myself.
In closing, forty-one of you still owe dues for 2017, so unfortunately this could be your last newsletter. You still have the chance to stay on our roster, and we would love to keep you on, so when we send out the final dues request, please respond quickly.
Here are some dates for your calendars.
- May 24: Our used tackle sale will be held from 4:30-7:00 before the regular meeting. Email me if you want a table (no charge).
- June 3 & 4: Two-Day Derby – Contact Ron Rodriques at 508 542-2237.
- July 20: Fluke Trip – just a few spots left! Contact Ken Whiting at 508 430-4629.
- Sept. 30: Cape Cod Salties Annual Canal Cleanup at the Midway Recreation Area, starting at 8:30 a.m., under the direction of long-time canal expert, Dr. Bill Cottle
Thanks, and hold tight!
Jack (, 508 394-2983)
Club News and Information
Michigan/Northeastern Study on Stiped Bass
Sixteen Salties participated in the on-line survey focusing on recreational Striped Bass Fishing in Massachusetts. Each participant will receive instructions on how to have $10. contributed to the Salties, which will be used for the new Reef/Environmental Fund. Thanks to all who participated.
Haddock Fishing Workshop Held during April Meeting
Ken Whiting, Bruce MacLeod, and Jack Creighton presented their knowledge on Haddock Fishing to the attendees of the April Salties Meeting. Rigs, Bait, Clothing, and Technique Tips were discussed and demonstrated. The teaching team recently returned from a successful trip on the Captain John, the same vessel being chartered for the club trip in May.
Note: This trip has been rescheduled for May 21, due to high seas cancellation of the May 7 trip. Because of this churn, there are spots now available for May 21.If you need more incentive than being out on the water, tale a look below at Bruce MacLeod's recent excursion on the Captain John's.
Armed with fresh knowledge and the omen for success, an exceptional Haddock adventure is anticipated by all.
Sixteen Salties participated in the on-line survey focusing on recreational Striped Bass Fishing in Massachusetts. Each participant will receive instructions on how to have $10. contributed to the Salties, which will be used for the new Reef/Environmental Fund. Thanks to all who participated.
Haddock Fishing Workshop Held during April Meeting
Note: This trip has been rescheduled for May 21, due to high seas cancellation of the May 7 trip. Because of this churn, there are spots now available for May 21.If you need more incentive than being out on the water, tale a look below at Bruce MacLeod's recent excursion on the Captain John's.
Armed with fresh knowledge and the omen for success, an exceptional Haddock adventure is anticipated by all.
May Meeting Program Speaker
Capt. Scott Graf - Sportfishing plus Used Tackle Sale (5-7PM)
Wives and Sweethearts Dinner 2017
Click here for more memories of the night.
Annual Herring Run Count
Back Beach Fishing Group Proposed
In an effort to gather some first hand facts on the impact of seals on recreational fishing and in order to offer some experience with eel casting for stripers, a proposal was made by President Jack Creighton to form a group this summer to night fish for bass using live eels on the great back beaches of the National Seashore. Experts will be available to demonstrate eel fishing techniques to those who need some help. More to come on this at future meetings.
New Member at April Meeting
A warm welcome to Steve Kalinyak, who was introduced to the Salties attending the April meeting.
For any new member with questions, concerns, or needs, please don't hesitate to contact either myself, Jay Pavick ( or Jack Creighton (JECREIGHTON45@GMAIL.COM).
April Meeting Speaker
Currently, we have two trip leaders. President Jack Creighton and Treasurer Kent Dumont. So, call them for dates and information at 508-394-2983 and 508-827-4569.
Noteworthy is the fact that Captain Jim donates a yearly 1/2 day Ladies Striper trip to the club in appreciation for his mother Barbara, a long time supporter of the Salties. Barbara passed away last July.
Joe's Flytying Corner
Reminder: Joe O'Clair is tying up and selling Fluke Rigs for Terry's Scholarship Fund
Custom made Fluke rig features a 5" plasstic squid tied on 40# mono and finished with a 4/0 hook. Tip this rig with a piece of squid bait and if fluke are in the area you will be well rewarded.
The price of the rig is $10. All monies will go to the Terry Tesssein Scholarship Fund. You may pay by cash or by check to the CC Salties Fishing Club.
See Joe at the Monthly meeting.

Custom made Fluke rig features a 5" plasstic squid tied on 40# mono and finished with a 4/0 hook. Tip this rig with a piece of squid bait and if fluke are in the area you will be well rewarded.
The price of the rig is $10. All monies will go to the Terry Tesssein Scholarship Fund. You may pay by cash or by check to the CC Salties Fishing Club.
See Joe at the Monthly meeting.
Club Fishing Events
2017 Haddock Fishing Trip
Salties 2017 Haddock Trip
Capt. John, Plymouth, MA
Sunday, May 7, 2017 (cancelled due to high seas)
(Raindate May 21)
Leaves dock at 7:00 a.m.!
Cost: $50 Members (spots available for May 21)
Link to 2017 Haddock Fishing Trip Form
Capt. John, Plymouth, MA
Sunday, May 7, 2017 (cancelled due to high seas)
(Raindate May 21)
Leaves dock at 7:00 a.m.!
Cost: $50 Members (spots available for May 21)
Link to 2017 Haddock Fishing Trip Form
Annual In House Derby 2017
Information and entry forms for the In House Derby can be found on our website.
Cape Cod Salties 2017 Spring Derby
When: 12:00 am June 3rd to 3:00pm June 4th
Where: Fish anywhere on Cape Cod or the Islands
Who: This event is open to Cape Cod Salties Members and Non-members
Prizes: Trophies for the following:
- Largest Striped Bass and Bluefish from a Boat
- Largest Striped Bass and Bluefish from Shore
Also 50/50 Raffle of all entrance fees. Everyone that enters a fish, regardless of the size will be eligible for the raffle.
Barbeque and Pot Luck at 4:00 pm Sunday for all participants. (location coming soon)
Click here for rules and entry form
Cape Cod Salties 13th Annual Fluke and Sea Bass Trip
The 13th Annual Fluke and Sea Bass Trip will be held on Thursday, July 20, 2017, aboard the Helen H. The 100- foot boat is docked at 137 Pleasant Street, Hyannis, MA. Parking is free.
The trip is open to both members and their guests.
The trip is limited to the first 45 people who sign up.
The cost of the trip will be $75 for members and $99 for non-members. Tips and fish cleaning fees have not been included.
The boat will leave the dock at exactly 7:00 A.M. and return about 4:00 P.M.
Please send your check made out to the Cape Cod Salties to
Ken Whiting
313 Bank Street,
Harwich, MA 02645-2707.
Please include your phone number where he can reach you in case of any changes.
For additional info please call Ken Whiting at 508-430-4629.
Link to Registration Form
Annual Captain Bob Luce Memorial Derby
'Captains' Jack Creighton and Kent Dumont are formalizing their dates for trips aboard the Striper.
This is a very popular event in our fishing season and dates fill up fast. Current dates are full; but call Jack or Kent for the next round of slots.
This is a very popular event in our fishing season and dates fill up fast. Current dates are full; but call Jack or Kent for the next round of slots.
Salties Fish Lores