April 2017 President's Message
The weather has been wonderful. We are catching bass in Bass River, so get your stuff ready and get out there!
Here are some dates for your calendars.
On February 15, 2016, we lost Donald F. Farrell, who was living in Brewster at the time, at age 89. His son, Donald, Jr., recently contacted the club to purchase a sweatshirt to wear in memory of his father. He also sent us a check for an additional $500 to be used in a new account that we set up. This account is Reefs and Conservation. With the proposed work to be done on the old tire reef out in front of Bass River at the Yarmouth/Dennis line, this was a great donation to get our support for this project underway. So all the Cape Cod Salties thank the Farrell family for their generous contribution.
Below in the newsletter, Jay Pavick talks about the 2017 Marine Mammal Commission’s Annual Meeting. Jay listed three or four Salties who attended this event. It’s great to see people involved in the ecosystem, but I did not see or hear solutions offered for any positive impact on the environment. In 1962, it was reported that there were four seals off of Monomoy, and at this time, seals were declared to be endangered. Today the same people report there are 30,000-60,000 seals in the Monomoy area, and one of the presenters went so far as to say that these animals have no impact on the water quality. I, for one, think that it behooves the agencies responsible for maintaining the environment to do fact-finding but also make recommendations on how these things can be controlled. I am not talking about just the seals. I am talking about the deer and turkey populations, and the fishermen and others who use the shoreline and discard plastic containers and other recyclable materials. If there is cause, there should be effect. I know it is easy to sit in my living room and make these pronouncements, but if each of us gives a little to our environment, it should be much better for our future generations.
I have seen many Salties out and about! I thought it was great to go to the MA Striped Bass Show in Hanover and see plug maker Bob Davies and his gang, along with Ken Whiting, another famous woodcarver, with their products on display. And then as recently as yesterday at the Riverway Restaurant, I saw Bob Davies again, along with June Noll, a fly tier, artist, painter, and woodcarver, with her booth. Our club had a booth and about 25 membership applications were taken. Saltie Alan Schwartz was there with Bob Baker’s wife, Mary, selling some of Bob’s fishing materials. I will have some of his flyrods on display at the April meeting for sale. The weather is bringing everybody out!
I recently saw that Trout Unlimited will recognize longtime Saltie Barbara Miller for all her great work for their organization. Congratulations, Barbara!
Pennsylvanian Ed Wagner, having nothing to do, obviously, called to say he wants to put on a Black Sea Bass day in May out of Bass River and get as many Salties as possible to go out and have fun as a group, catching sea bass and taking scales for our annual scale program, in conjunction with the State Department of Marine Fisheries. This should make Kimberly Trull, our contact with Marine Fisheries, very happy. The date will be announced, and we will pass around a sign up sheet at the April meeting.
At the Riverway yesterday, I met Mike White from On the Water Magazine, who will be the new representative for our area. Mike will attend our next couple of meetings to extend our relationship on mutual issues of concern.
Thanks, and hold tight!
Jack (jecreighton45@gmail.com, 508 394-2983)
Here are some dates for your calendars.
- April 22: Barnstable County AmeriCorps will be doing their 17th Annual Canal Cleanup – rain or shine. Registration opens at 10 a.m. at the Buzzards Bay Recreation Area. It would be great to have a good showing of Salties at this event. Note: This is independent of the Salties Annual Cleanup (see below).
- April 26: The Salties April meeting will feature our club’s ground fishermen, with their great presentation on rods, rigs, and reels for bottom fishing.
- April 29: Our Wives & Sweethearts Appreciation Dinner still has openings. The application is under the events tab at capecodsalties.org.
- May 24: Our used tackle sale will be held from 4:30-7:00 before the regular meeting. Email me if you want a table (no charge).
- June 3 & 4: Two-Day Derby
- July 20: Fluke Trip – filling up quickly!
- Sept. 30: So that no one is confused, the Cape Cod Salties Annual Canal Cleanup will be held at the Midway Recreation Area, starting at 8:30 a.m., under the direction of long-time canal expert, Dr. Bill Cottle.
On February 15, 2016, we lost Donald F. Farrell, who was living in Brewster at the time, at age 89. His son, Donald, Jr., recently contacted the club to purchase a sweatshirt to wear in memory of his father. He also sent us a check for an additional $500 to be used in a new account that we set up. This account is Reefs and Conservation. With the proposed work to be done on the old tire reef out in front of Bass River at the Yarmouth/Dennis line, this was a great donation to get our support for this project underway. So all the Cape Cod Salties thank the Farrell family for their generous contribution.
Below in the newsletter, Jay Pavick talks about the 2017 Marine Mammal Commission’s Annual Meeting. Jay listed three or four Salties who attended this event. It’s great to see people involved in the ecosystem, but I did not see or hear solutions offered for any positive impact on the environment. In 1962, it was reported that there were four seals off of Monomoy, and at this time, seals were declared to be endangered. Today the same people report there are 30,000-60,000 seals in the Monomoy area, and one of the presenters went so far as to say that these animals have no impact on the water quality. I, for one, think that it behooves the agencies responsible for maintaining the environment to do fact-finding but also make recommendations on how these things can be controlled. I am not talking about just the seals. I am talking about the deer and turkey populations, and the fishermen and others who use the shoreline and discard plastic containers and other recyclable materials. If there is cause, there should be effect. I know it is easy to sit in my living room and make these pronouncements, but if each of us gives a little to our environment, it should be much better for our future generations.
I have seen many Salties out and about! I thought it was great to go to the MA Striped Bass Show in Hanover and see plug maker Bob Davies and his gang, along with Ken Whiting, another famous woodcarver, with their products on display. And then as recently as yesterday at the Riverway Restaurant, I saw Bob Davies again, along with June Noll, a fly tier, artist, painter, and woodcarver, with her booth. Our club had a booth and about 25 membership applications were taken. Saltie Alan Schwartz was there with Bob Baker’s wife, Mary, selling some of Bob’s fishing materials. I will have some of his flyrods on display at the April meeting for sale. The weather is bringing everybody out!
I recently saw that Trout Unlimited will recognize longtime Saltie Barbara Miller for all her great work for their organization. Congratulations, Barbara!
Pennsylvanian Ed Wagner, having nothing to do, obviously, called to say he wants to put on a Black Sea Bass day in May out of Bass River and get as many Salties as possible to go out and have fun as a group, catching sea bass and taking scales for our annual scale program, in conjunction with the State Department of Marine Fisheries. This should make Kimberly Trull, our contact with Marine Fisheries, very happy. The date will be announced, and we will pass around a sign up sheet at the April meeting.
At the Riverway yesterday, I met Mike White from On the Water Magazine, who will be the new representative for our area. Mike will attend our next couple of meetings to extend our relationship on mutual issues of concern.
Thanks, and hold tight!
Jack (jecreighton45@gmail.com, 508 394-2983)
Club News and Information
2017 Marine Mammal Commission Annual Meeting - N Falmouth MA
Each calendar year, the Marine Mammal Commission holds its annual meeting in a different region of the country to examine regional issues, as well as priority topics at the national and global levels. At their annual meetings, they engage other federal agencies, stakeholders, and interested members of the public on the science, policy, and management issues related to the Commission’s mission to conserve marine mammals and their ecosystems. (information researched from the Commission's Website)
The two major topics from the 2017 meeting were the ongoing recovery of gray seals in New England and obstacles to recovery of North Atlantic Right Whales.The Cape Cod Salties were contacted in March requesting their formal participation as local experts experiencing the impact of the Gray Seal population on recreational shore fishing. Club President Jack Creighton, Bob Davies, Bill Cottle and Lou MacKeil represented the club; and Lou presented his knowledge to the official agenda item below:

The two major topics from the 2017 meeting were the ongoing recovery of gray seals in New England and obstacles to recovery of North Atlantic Right Whales.The Cape Cod Salties were contacted in March requesting their formal participation as local experts experiencing the impact of the Gray Seal population on recreational shore fishing. Club President Jack Creighton, Bob Davies, Bill Cottle and Lou MacKeil represented the club; and Lou presented his knowledge to the official agenda item below:
- Recreational fishing: depredation of catch, bait, and loss of access
Lou Mackeil, VP-Environmental Affairs, Cape Cod Salties Sportfishing Club
- Coastal Communities; Tourism, Human Safety, and Health
- Commercial Fishing: Depletion of valuable fish stocks
- Economics: Gray Seals and the blue economy
April Meeting Program Speaker
Capt. Jim Luce - Club Tournament
Annual Banquet 2017

We are considering moving the date of the Banquet from March to January in order to make the event accessible to those who travel in the early spring. More to come on this planning. If you have opinions on this proposal, let Jack know when you see him or send him an email.
Annual Herring Run Count and Cleanup

The path is clean and the water is flowing freely to the ladder from Swan Pond. It's up to the Nature and the Herring now.
A happy time was had by all.

Annual Wives and Sweethearts Appreciation Dinner - Reminder
The dinner will be held at the Riverway Lobster House on Route 28 in S. Yarmouth on April 29. Currently, we have about 20 couples signed up. This is a great way to say thanks to our partners and get together with our fellow members for a night out.
Information can be found here.
March Meeting Speaker

We are certainly lucky to be living in this environment here on Cape Cod. Remembering to care for the ecosystem and the fish that depend upon it should be paramount as we take advantage of this gift. Thanks Ryan and Garret for sharing your experiences and philosophy that "catching a fish is only a bonus".
Club Fishing Events
2017 Haddock Fishing Trip
Salties 2017 Haddock Trip
Capt. John, Plymouth, MA
Sunday, May 7, 2017
(Raindate May 21)
Leaves dock at 7:00 a.m.!
Cost: $50 Members (currently sold out)
Link to 2017 Haddock Fishing Trip Form
Capt. John, Plymouth, MA
Sunday, May 7, 2017
(Raindate May 21)
Leaves dock at 7:00 a.m.!
Cost: $50 Members (currently sold out)
Link to 2017 Haddock Fishing Trip Form
Annual In House Derby 2017
Information and entry forms for the In House Derby can be found on our website.
Cape Cod Salties 2017 Spring Derby
When: 12:00 am June 3rd to 3:00pm June 4th
Where: Fish anywhere on Cape Cod or the Islands
Who: This event is open to Cape Cod Salties Members and Non-members
Prizes: Trophies for the following:
- Largest Striped Bass and Bluefish from a Boat
- Largest Striped Bass and Bluefish from Shore
Also 50/50 Raffle of all entrance fees. Everyone that enters a fish, regardless of the size will be eligible for the raffle.
Barbeque and Pot Luck at 4:00 pm Sunday for all participants. (location coming soon)
Click here for rules and entry form

Cape Cod Salties 13th Annual Fluke and Sea Bass Trip
The 13th Annual Fluke and Sea Bass Trip will be held on Thursday, July 20, 2017, aboard the Helen H. The 100- foot boat is docked at 137 Pleasant Street, Hyannis, MA. Parking is free.
The trip is open to both members and their guests.
The trip is limited to the first 45 people who sign up.
The cost of the trip will be $75 for members and $99 for non-members. Tips and fish cleaning fees have not been included.
The boat will leave the dock at exactly 7:00 A.M. and return about 4:00 P.M.
Please send your check made out to the Cape Cod Salties to
Ken Whiting
313 Bank Street,
Harwich, MA 02645-2707.
Please include your phone number where he can reach you in case of any changes.
For additional info please call Ken Whiting at 508-430-4629.
Link to Registration Form

Annual Captain Bob Luce Memorial Derby
'Captains' Jack Creighton and Kent Dumont are formalizing their dates for trips aboard the Striper.
This is a very popular event in our fishing season and dates fill up fast. Current dates are full; but call Jack or Kent for the next round of slots.
This is a very popular event in our fishing season and dates fill up fast. Current dates are full; but call Jack or Kent for the next round of slots.
Jack: 508-394-2983
Kent: 508-827-4569
Kent: 508-827-4569
Salties Fish Tales

Questions, Comments, Stories to pavicks71@gmail.com
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