March 2017 President's Message
I had reports last week of kayaks catching stripers in Follins Pond. The weather over this weekend should definitely set that back, but I think we are still close to something happening with the fish movement.
On March 7, Ken Whiting and I attended a meeting of the Wareham Board of Selectmen and presented a letter in support of a partnership between the town of Wareham and the Department of Marine Fisheries on the Wewantic property in that town. The Board of Selectmen unanimously supported the project.
This past Saturday night, our Annual Banquet was held at the Doubletree in Hyannis, with approximately 80 members enjoying a great night of socialization and purchasing fishing materials.
On the same weekend, March 10-12, at least twenty Salties were seen at the RI Surfcasters’ Club Show in Providence.
We only have eleven openings on the May 7 Haddock Trip. The deadline is the March 22 meeting. If you don’t want to get shut out, get your check for $50 in ASAP.
John Serijan and Steve Israelian have us all set for April 29 at the Riverway on Rte. 28 in South Yarmouth for the Wives and Sweethearts Appreciation Dinner. If we get a big storm tomorrow, my secretary will get this application done. Look for it on the website.
Wildlife carver Ken Whiting has donated a 40” striped bass full body molding for the Terry Tessein Scholarship Fund. We have raffle tickets on sale at $10 each, and we will sell 75 more tickets and award the fish at a later meeting.
Important dates to remember!!
- Former Salties president Gary Brown will run his famous one-day Fisherman’s Yard Sale on April 15 from 8:30-2:30 at the Riverway Restaurant, Rte. 28, South Yarmouth. This event benefits the Cape and Islands Veterans Outreach in Hyannis and has always been a good day! We will have a table to sign up potential new members.
- Our tackle sale will be May 24, from 4:30-7:00 before the regular meeting. Email me if you want a table (no charge).
- The Two-Day Derby is June 3 and 4.
- The Fluke Trip is July 20, with seven members already signed up.
In closing, I would like to again thank all the club members who were involved in the Annual Banquet. The proceeds give us the funds to operate during the year.
Thanks, and hold tight!
Jack (, 508 394-2983)
Club News and Information
Club Pursuing Tax Exempt Status
President Creighton has requested Club Secretary Randall Sherman to engage the services of a CPA for the purpose of sanctioning the Cape Cod Salties as a Tax Exempt entity under IRS section 501(c). This would allow the club to participate in local government projects, such as the Yarmouth Artificial Reef, and also allow tax exempt donations to club's activities such as scholarships.
President Creighton has requested Club Secretary Randall Sherman to engage the services of a CPA for the purpose of sanctioning the Cape Cod Salties as a Tax Exempt entity under IRS section 501(c). This would allow the club to participate in local government projects, such as the Yarmouth Artificial Reef, and also allow tax exempt donations to club's activities such as scholarships.
March Meeting Program Speaker
Ryan Collins - MFCC Season Update
Terry Tessein Scholarship Fund-Raiser - Tickets Available

Tickets are currently available. See Ken at the next meeting or call him at 508-430-4629.
See Joe O'Clair's Fly Fishing Corner below for an additional fund raising effort for Terry's Scholarship Fund.
Annual Herring Run Count and Cleanup
With the arrival of spring each year, the club sponsors a Herring Run count and cleanup in Yarmouth.
Last year's efforts were recognized by the Town awarding the Salties a citation for environmental club of the year. A sign up sheet was passed around during the February meeting. If you missed it and are interested, contact club secretary Randall Sherman at the next meeting.
Annual Wives and Sweethearts Appreciation Dinner - Save the Date
The dinner will be held at the Riverway Lobster House on Route 28 in S. Yarmouth on April 29. Please mark your calendars, as more information will be coming.
Club Members get Preview of Annual Banquet Auction Items

Members present at the February meeting were treated to a preview of some of the items that were available at the Annual Banquet on Saturday March 11. Several took advantage by entering starting bids that were part of the actual bidding process that night.
February Meeting Speaker

The season begins when water temperatures reach 60 degrees. The best times being from the end of July through the end of August during a slack tide at dusk. Tackle consists of a stout surf rod (capable of handling six ounce weights), a Penn 6500 size reel with 65 pound braid and 60-100 pound test wire leader attached to a 10/0 hook. Bait consists of chunked Bluefish, Skate, Mackeral, or dead eels, Glow sticks are employed for the night bite in order to get a visual on a hit. Sharks can be large, so bury those pole holders deeply into the sand and remember to bring a friend for comradery and safety.
This past season Jay Wapole, one of our members, spent a night fishing with Ryan and can attest to the exciting action. Although not landing a shark, Jay did experience a hook-up and wild chase after the hit dislodged the rod from its holder.
This past season Jay Wapole, one of our members, spent a night fishing with Ryan and can attest to the exciting action. Although not landing a shark, Jay did experience a hook-up and wild chase after the hit dislodged the rod from its holder.
Joe O'Clair's Fly Fishing Corner
Joe is tying up and selling Fluke Rigs for Terry's Scholarship Fund
Custom made Fluke rig features a 5" plasstic squid tied on 40# mono and finished with a 4/0 hook. Tip this rig with a piece of squid bait and if fluke are in the area ou will be well rewarded.
The price of the rig is $10. All monies will go to the Terry Tesssein Scholarship Fund. You may pay by cash or by check to the CC Salties Fishing Club.
Custom made Fluke rig features a 5" plasstic squid tied on 40# mono and finished with a 4/0 hook. Tip this rig with a piece of squid bait and if fluke are in the area ou will be well rewarded.
The price of the rig is $10. All monies will go to the Terry Tesssein Scholarship Fund. You may pay by cash or by check to the CC Salties Fishing Club.

Club Fishing Events
2017 Haddock Fishing Trip
Salties 2017 Haddock Trip
Capt. John, Plymouth, MA
Sunday, May 7, 2017
(Raindate May 21)
Leaves dock at 7:00 a.m.!
Cost: $50 Members (limited to 40)
Link to 2017 Haddock Fishing Trip Form
Capt. John, Plymouth, MA
Sunday, May 7, 2017
(Raindate May 21)
Leaves dock at 7:00 a.m.!
Cost: $50 Members (limited to 40)
Link to 2017 Haddock Fishing Trip Form
Annual In House Derby 2017
Information and entry forms for the In House Derby can be found on our website.
Cape Cod Salties 2017 Spring Derby
When: 12:00 am June 3rd to 3:00pm June 4th
Where: Fish anywhere on Cape Cod or the Islands
Who: This event is open to Cape Cod Salties Members and Non-members
Prizes: Trophies for the following:
- Largest Striped Bass and Bluefish from a Boat
- Largest Striped Bass and Bluefish from Shore
Also 50/50 Raffle of all entrance fees. Everyone that enters a fish, regardless of the size will be eligible for the raffle.
Barbeque and Pot Luck at 4:00 pm Sunday for all participants. (location coming soon)
Click here for rules and entry form

Cape Cod Salties 13th Annual Fluke and Sea Bass Trip
The 13th Annual Fluke and Sea Bass Trip will be held on Thursday, July 20, 2017, aboard the Helen H. The 100- foot boat is docked at 137 Pleasant Street, Hyannis, MA. Parking is free.
The trip is open to both members and their guests.
The trip is limited to the first 45 people who sign up.
The cost of the trip will be $75 for members and $99 for non-members. Tips and fish cleaning fees have not been included.
The boat will leave the dock at exactly 7:00 A.M. and return about 4:00 P.M.
Please send your check made out to the Cape Cod Salties to
Ken Whiting
313 Bank Street,
Harwich, MA 02645-2707.
Please include your phone number where he can reach you in case of any changes.
For additional info please call Ken Whiting at 508-430-4629.
Link to Registration Form
Salties Fish Tales

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