February 2017 President's Message
Here we are going into the third week of February – rain, wind, snow – how can you beat it?? As of this writing, 61 of you still owe dues for the year. Please send them in as soon as possible to take that off the table.
Last month we said that a group of us had attended the hearing on fluke, and in all probability, the 2017 allotment will be 125 days of fluke fishing, with four fish at 17 inches. There have been several announcements put out in the last few days indicating that the striped bass quota might be increased. I personally don’t think this is a good idea but will keep you advised as this goes forward. One more thing -- there is also serious talk about allowing herring to be taken from selected herring runs around the state. Again, I think this is a bad idea. For example, I could go to Taunton and get 25 herring and then bring them to Yarmouth to use as bait. I guess proving where you got those herring could be an issue. Why do our fishery experts confuse the issue so often?
We have already said that the Haddock Trip is May 7. If you are interested, there are approximately 19 spots left, so get your money in ASAP. The two day derby will be June 3 and 4, with details coming soon. The Annual Fluke Trip is locked for July 20. After the Annual Banquet, those applications will be made available. That trip will be limited to the first 45.
The date for the Wives and Sweethearts Dinner looks like April 29 at the Riverway in South Yarmouth. That should be firmed up shortly.
THE ANNUAL BANQUET! In the past we have called this the Annual Awards Banquet. I don’t know whether the word “Awards” scares some people away, so to reaffirm –in addition to the awards being given out, this event is also our only fundraiser of the year, allowing us to continue our programs. We have many silent auctions, bucket raffles, and live auctions with a great meal – all of this allows us to have a night of camaraderie and friendship. While reading this, we hope you will fill out the reservation form and send it in. I have been in charge of membership for the last two years, and I have not seen or met some of you. This is a great time to socialize over a few hours and get to know some of your fellow members with whom you might enjoy fishing in the next few months!
Before I close, I have two things to point out. First, former Salties president Gary Brown will run his famous one-day Fisherman’s Yard Sale on April 15from 8:30-2:30 at the Riverway Restaurant, Rte. 28, South Yarmouth. This event benefits the Cape and Islands Veterans Outreach in Hyannis and has always been a good day! We will have a table to sign up potential new members.
Secondly, at our May 24 meeting, we will have a used tackle sale from 5-7 p.m. for members to sell their fishing wares before the meeting. If you want a table, email and let me know. There is no cost.
Club News and Information
Proposed By-Laws Change approved at January Meeting
Article V Board of Directors, Section 8 (New)
All Members of the BOD shall attend at least 75% of the scheduled BOD meetings in any calendar year. Any BOD member failing to meet this requirement will forfeit their office upon a vote of the BOD, unless the BOD determines there were extenuating circumstances for the absences.
Article V Board of Directors, Section 8 (New)
All Members of the BOD shall attend at least 75% of the scheduled BOD meetings in any calendar year. Any BOD member failing to meet this requirement will forfeit their office upon a vote of the BOD, unless the BOD determines there were extenuating circumstances for the absences.
February Meeting Program Speaker
Ryan Franklin - Beach Shark Fishing
Annual Banquet - Save the Date
Saturday, March 11, 2017
DoubleTree by Hilton Cape Cod 287 Iyannough Road, Route 28, Hyannis, MA
Raffles Open at 4:30 p.m.
5:00-6:00 p.m. Cocktails – Crackers & Cheese, Cash Bar
6:00 p.m. Buffet Dinner
Mixed Green Garden Salad with assorted dressings
Warm Dinner Breads with Butter
Sliced Bistro Steak, with wild mushroom sauce or bordelaise sauce New England Baked Scrod with cracker crumbs
Baked Penne Pasta with Mozzarella Cheese
Rosemary Roasted New Potatoes
Wild Rice Pilaf
Roasted Root Vegetable Medley
Station of Assorted Cakes and Desserts
Starbucks Coffee and Tazo Tea Service
$35.00 per person, inclusive of all taxes
The DoubleTree is offering a special discount rate for five rooms at $94.00 plus tax on rooms that are regularly $129.00!
Click here for Banquet Form
Terry Tessein Scholorship Fund-Raiser AnnouncedDoubleTree by Hilton Cape Cod 287 Iyannough Road, Route 28, Hyannis, MA
Raffles Open at 4:30 p.m.
5:00-6:00 p.m. Cocktails – Crackers & Cheese, Cash Bar
6:00 p.m. Buffet Dinner
Mixed Green Garden Salad with assorted dressings
Warm Dinner Breads with Butter
Sliced Bistro Steak, with wild mushroom sauce or bordelaise sauce New England Baked Scrod with cracker crumbs
Baked Penne Pasta with Mozzarella Cheese
Rosemary Roasted New Potatoes
Wild Rice Pilaf
Roasted Root Vegetable Medley
Station of Assorted Cakes and Desserts
Starbucks Coffee and Tazo Tea Service
$35.00 per person, inclusive of all taxes
The DoubleTree is offering a special discount rate for five rooms at $94.00 plus tax on rooms that are regularly $129.00!
Click here for Banquet Form
Ken Whiting, one of our noted woodcarver members, is working to complete a striped bass full body casting that is 40" long for wall mounting. The value of the fish when complete is $1000. Ken hopes to have the casting finished for the February meeting. The plan is to sell 100 raffle tickets at $10 each, which will net $800. for the scholarship after purchasing supplies for the fish.
Remember to purchase a ticket, when they become available!
Atlantic Sates Marine Fisheries Commission - 2017 Fluke Regulations
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) voted in favor of Option 5 of the Summer Flounder Draft Addendum XXVIII for 2017 recreational measures for fluke. For Massachusetts, this means four fish at minimum size of 17 inches with 125 days of fishing. Because the measure is thought to achieve a 28-31% coastwide reduction on recreational fluke harvest, less than the required reduction of 41% specified by NOAA Fisheries, selection of this option could trigger the National Marine Fisheries Service to implement non-preferred coastwide measures for all state and federal waters.
Stay tuned.
Welcome New Members
Six new members were at the January meeting. Here they are in no special order. Bob Lebel, Lou Bartolotta, Michael Rosenthal, Richard Burnham, and Jack Gray. A warm welcome guys!January Meeting SpeakerJerry conducts light tackle kayak fishing charters in Rhode Island and Connecticut Inshore waters.He took us through the gear, (safety, dress, and tackle) that are proven reliable during his outings to the backwater ponds and rivers he fishes.For Kayak fishing, he emphasized the use of short butt rods, used to more easily move fish around the kayak.Although it was January, Jerry was able to show us photos of Striped Bass he was still catching during his trips. Helpful to our group was a display of the lures he uses and sponsors. Below, members are asking questions while taking in his exhibits. Joe O'Clair's Flyfishing Corner
Joe O'Clair, member and fly tying expert, periodically sends us updates on his offerings and adventures.Joe's website is at http://www.flycatcherflies.
Joe says that the Mop Fly, a group shown below, at times catches so many fish it has been outlawed in certain fishing contests.
The proof is in the pudding; and here is Joe with results from a 2016 Buzzard's Bay trip.
Club Fishing Events
2017 Haddock Fishing Trip
Salties 2017 Haddock Trip
Capt. John, Plymouth, MA Sunday, May 7, 2017 (Raindate May 21) Leaves dock at 7:00 a.m.! Cost: $50 Members (limited to 40) Link to 2017 Haddock Fishing Trip Form Annual In House Derby 2017
Information and entry forms for the In House Derby can be found on our website.
Cape Cod Salties 2017 Spring Derby When: 12:00 am June 3rd to 3:00pm June 4th Where: Fish anywhere on Cape Cod or the Islands Who: This event is open to Cape Cod Salties Members and Non-members Prizes: Trophies for the following:
Also 50/50 Raffle of all entrance fees. Everyone that enters a fish, regardless of the size will be eligible for the raffle. Barbeque and Pot Luck at 4:00 pm Sunday for all participants. (location coming soon) Click here for rules and entry form Salties Fish TalesPlease Support Our Advertisers![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |