March's Meeting Speaker
Sorry, no meeting and no speaker this month
The February Meeting
The February meeting commenced with Vice President Randall Sherman leading the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. As of right now the Haddock Trip is scheduled for May 5th with a rain date of the 6th. The Fluke Trip on the Helen H is still scheduled for July 16th and finally the Wives and Sweethearts Dinner on June 6th. With the world the way it is right now things could change but let's be optimistic and plan for the best. The club's board approved the Barnstable County League to come in to one of our future meetings and give a quick presentation on who they are and what they do. Stay tuned for more information on that. Right now we are trying to organize a "FISH TOGETHER" event. It is currently scheduled for Friday May 15th, 6:00 pm at West Dennis Beach. High tide is at 9:00 pm that day so it should be a great time to catch a fish. We are planning on even inviting the public to join us on that night. Don't worry it is a big beach so no matter how many people show up there is plenty of room for Social Distancing. The Herring Run Clean up happened this March and as usual they did a great job. Here is a picture of a couple of the guys having way too much fun. To all involved, THANK YOU for all your hard work on this project.

They are still looking for volunteers to help with the herring counting, if you have never done it before someone can train you in about 10 minutes. If you are interested please get in touch with Randall Sherman. Also the club is looking for a volunteer to take over the chairs on this committee. As you all know by now the Annual Banquet on April 4th has been postponed, again stay tuned for information on what is happening with that event as well. The club had a spirited debate on what we thought our position should be on the proposed 2020 Striped Bass regulations, please see letter below sent out by our Vice President Randall Sherman as to where we landed.
Cape Cod Salties Sportfishing Club Box 1183 S. Dennis, MA 02660
Acting Director Daniel McKiernan Division of Marine Fisheries Sir: The Cape Cod Salties Sportfishing Club at a regular monthly meeting discussed at length the current proposals for the regulation of Striped Bass Fishing and have voted the following positions:
We support the recreational slot limit of 1 fish per day 28 to 35” We support mandatory circle hook use for all bait fishing We support the no gaff regulation for all striped bass fishing
We do not support the proposal to open the commercial season before July 1. We do not support the proposal to change the commercial designated fishing days from Mon and Thurs to Mon and Wed. (over the past few years we have all adapted to the existing schedule for our recreational access to the many boat ramps in our area for either fishing or family boating. We avoid the commercial fishing days because the boat ramp parking lots are full, and we have modified lives accordingly regarding issues of work, child care, grandchildren care and wish this to remain consistent). The commercial regulations should be the same as the recreational regulations regarding circle hooks for all bait fishing and no gaffs allowed. C. Randall Sherman VP Cape Cod Salties Sportfishing Club 508 280 8825
Very well said.....Thank you
Fly of the MonthBy Joe O'Clair VINTAGE FLIES
There are many great flies on the market, but few "Vintage Flies". For some reason bait shops and fly fishermen (except the very old guys), remember how it use to be. Simple patterns and basic materials, produced some great flies and designs, and caught fish for many years.
In 1984 Greg Derr presented a fly called 'SUMMER BLUES" A very simple fly tied with Bluefish in mind. With some bucktail, a long shank hook 2/0 - 5/0 a new design was born. If you look at the design of this fly, most bodies are tied at the eye of the hook, this is tied at the curve of the hook. This was never done before in fly design. The original colors were blue over white, using blue flashabou. Red thread represented the gill.
Bluefish on a fly rod can be great sport. They seem to favor bright colors. Tie some up, you will never know when you will run into a school of Bluefish.