October 2017 President's Message
Here it is October, the stripers are on the move, and some of our members are catching tautog on a regular basis. Although I have been gone for a while, I would like to thank those of you who represented the club in the Canal Cleanup, with a special thanks to Bill Cottle and Chef Joe O’Clair for the jobs they did. Also, a special thanks to those of you who commented on or attended the menhaden meeting in Bourne. Lastly, don’t forget this month’s meeting on the 25th is the Fish Supper. Make sure you get your applications in ASAP so we can order the right amount of fish to be cooked. Hope to see you there!
Thanks, and hold tight!
Jack (jecreighton45@gmail.com, 508 394-2983)
Club News and Information
October Meeting Fish Dinner. No Speaker
October 25 - Annual Fish Dinner
Update on Our Non-Profit Effort
Secretary Randall Sherman presented the following information at the September meeting::
- Proposed new Non Profit Organization: Cape Cod Salties Foundation
- Non-profit will manage all funds for Yarmouth Reef project and other charitable/conservation work
- Received input from RISSA on their non-profit foundation to model Cape Cod Salties efforts in this area, Easiest way to go forward
- Attorney (Laraja and Kanaga of Orleans), who were recommended to us by our Accountant, provided guidance and will assist in drafting needed documentation to incorporate Foundation
- Our CPA informed us that we need updates to our by-laws In the area of diversity and mission to facilitate the ability to solicit tax deductible donations
- Questions from the floor included costs and deadlines
- Motion: to proceed with foundation pursuit presented to membership and voted unanimously.
Environmental Report- Lou Mackeil
DMF striped bass fall tagging program. While on assignment at Saquatucket Harbor last week, a charter boat hired by DMF came in from a day's tagging off Monomoy. They tagged 80 stripers some in the 20 pound class. Good day's fishing. Had to ask what lures, etc. they used. Parachute jigs and diamond jigs. Had to ask which worked best, the diamond jigs. Good info if one wants to go out there for bass.
2017 Canal Cleanup

Chairman Bill Cottle led Twenty-two Salties at Midway Park on September 30th for the Salties annual Canal Clean-up. Fueled by morning coffee and donuts they gathered more than a pickup truck full of trash filled bags. One member actually found fifteen dollars in cash at the canal; and then donated it to the club to help defray the costs of the outing.
Although rain was expected, the sun came out in rime for the afternoon barbecue. It was prepared by our chefs Joe O'Claire (not shown at left because he was also the photographer), Steve Israelian, Joe Apiscopa, and Joe Branzetti. A great time was had by all the members participating in this annual environmental project.
Tessein Scholarship Club Fundraising
Bruce MacLeod donated tickets to Bruins vs Senators Hockey game. A Raffle was held at the September meeting and the proceeds were donated to the Tessein Scholarship fund. The September Speaker, Jeff Orcutt, won the raffle.
December Elections
The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for the following positions, Director for 3 year Term, Vice President, and Secretary. Any member interested in getting involved is encouraged to contact a BOD member or Nominating Committee Member. Candidates to be announced at the November Meeting with elections to be held in December.
Join us on October 25 for our Annual Fish Dinner
Lou Makes "Fish Delish" Come and Enjoy
Register for the October 25th Fish Dinner. Here is a link to the form. Make checks out to Cape Cod Salties; and please support our 50-50 Raffle.
Questions? Call Jay Pavick at 774-212-7472
Questions? Call Jay Pavick at 774-212-7472
September Meeting Speaker
Captain Jeff Orcutt - Avid Angler Fishing Charters
Jeff has been fishing since childhood; and his family has been close to the sea, as a 30 year ownership of Barley Neck Sea Farms, an Oyster grant, can testify. Avid Angler Charters (AAC) fishes for Squid, Bass, Blues, Black Sea Bass, Albies, and Tuna in local waters.Jeff transports his boat to where the fish are biting. For example, Stripers off Provincetown and Tuna off Chatham. Jeff is offering a 20% discount for new customers and also a discount for Salties members. AAC takes up to four anglers for about $100 per hour. Tuna trips run twice that amount. More information can be found on his website.
Club Fishing Events
Annual In House Derby 2017
Information and entry forms for the In House Derby can be found on our website.
Remember, every entry is entered in a prize drawing.
Click here for 2017 In House Derby Information
Click here for 2017 In Hose Derby Entry Form
2017 Annual In House Derby Leaderboard
Click here for 2017 In Hose Derby Entry Form
2017 Annual In House Derby Leaderboard
- Shore bass fly rod :
- 29.5 inches X 15.5 inches, Bill Cottle 5/3/17
- 28.0 inches X 14 inches. Bill Cottle 5/15/17
- Shore bluefish:
- 10 lbs. 13 oz., Jack Creighton 5/18/17
- Boat Bluefish:
- 12 lbs 12 oz Francis Miller 7/27/17
- 12 lbs. Jack Creighton 7/12/17
- Striper catch and release:
- 41 inches X 21 inches Bill Cottle 9/19/17
- 38 inches X 20 inches. William "Nick" Nicholson 6/2/17
- 35" X 20.5" Nick Nicholson 5/23/17
- 33" X 17" Jay Pavick 7/12/17
- Boat Striper:
- 32 lbs 8 oz Bruce MacLeod 7/12/17
- 30.7 lbs Joe Healey 6/3/17
- 28 lbs 8 oz Jack Creighton 6/29/17
- Striper Charter Boat
- 32 pounds 8 ounces: Bruce MacLeod. 7/12/17
- 30 pounds 11 ounces: Joe Healey. 6/3/17
- 28 pounds 8 ounces: Jack Creighton. 6/29/17
- Striper Surf
- 28 lbs 11 oz Jay Pavick 8/24/17
- 23 lbs 3 oz Jack Creighton 8/19/17
- Fluke:
- 10 pounds 1 ounce: Ken Whiting. 6/26/17
- Black Sea Bass:
- 4 pounds 2 ounces: Jay Pavick. 6/2/17
- False Albicore
- 24" X 16" Jack Creighton 9/11/17
- Unusual Catch:
- Striper Head after a Great White ate rest of fish: Bruce MacLeod