September 2017 President's Message
Club News and Information
September Meeting Program Speaker
September 27 - Jeff Orcott - Fishing Charters
Yarmouth Fishing Reef Enhancement Program
Secretary Randall Sherman and Chairman of the Yarmouth Fishing Reef Ecosystem Project sent along the following update to the Reef Project status..
- The final version of the reef structure mold is now available' It adds a base to the triangle pictured in last month's Newsletter. Additional copies of this mold are now needed as the project moves forward.
- Robert Orr has been identified as the contractor responsible for 'barging' reef materials to the sight.
- Randall has secured an agreement with the town for allowing the unused demolition material from the Bass River Railroad Bridge removal to be used for the Yarmouth Reef.
Herring Run Update
A new fish ladder will be installed at the Herring Run site. Besides facilitating the movement of migrating fish into the pond, the new ladder will allow for a higher pond height. This excess water can be released as the young herring fry make their way out of the pond returning to the ocean. The release of additional water into the stream will increase its depth, making it easier for the fry to make it to Nantucket Sound.
Friends of Bass River Speak at the August Salties Meeting
The Friends of Bass River, is a newly-formed nonprofit dedicated to protecting the delicate ecosystem of the Bass River Estuarine System. Ryan Mann, the organization's Executive Director and pictured below spent some time with the Salties educating us on who they are and what their mission is. Since their mission, "through monitoring, vigilance and direct management, preserve and protect Bass River’s delicate ecosystem", is aligned to our ideals; it is safe to assume that we can collaborate on Bass River efforts in the future. A $100. donation was approved by the membership for the organization. Detailed information can be found on their website:
2017 Canal Cleanup
Chairman Bill Cottle is collecting volunteer names for this year's Canal Cleanup to be held on September 30. The meeting location is the Midway Recreation Area at 8:30AM. If you haven't signed up yet and would like to participate, contact Bill at 508-759-2348.
2018 Cod/Haddock Trip
Bill Hurley - Hurley Lures
2018 Cod/Haddock Trip
Member John Socenelli has, once again volunteered to chair the subject trip next season. Thanks John for your help with this event.
Join us on October 25 for our Annual Fish Dinner
Tessein Scholarship Club Fundraising
At the August meeting, the Salties acknowledged the talented efforts of June Noll, who donated the receipts totaling $120. from her carving at the Annual Banquet to the Tessein Scholarship Fund.
Join us on October 25 for our Annual Fish Dinner
Let's fill the house again! Register for the October Fish Dinner. Here is a link to the form. Make checks out to Cape Cod Salties; and please support our 50-50 Raffle.
August Meeting Speaker
Bill Hurley - Hurley Lures
Bill is not only an avid fisherman and lure developer, he also spends much of his water time under the water diving. Bill reported on several of his observations including:
- He sees a great deal more Black Sea Bass than ever
- Provincetown harbor is nearly baron of fish
- Race Point Striped Bass population normal and Fluke starting to show
- Water temperature around Provincetown last year was in the eighties
- Bass over 60" off Coast Guard Beach
- Large Bluefish floating vertically looking for Sand Eels
He took us through many of the lures he developed such as his paddle tails, sand eel imitations, striper magnets, Atlantic Eels, and Canal Killers. His plastics are all impregnated with fish and eel scents. Bill stresses lure movement over color in his development process. Bill also informed us of a new product, Super Glue Gel, which works well for mounting eyes and repairing soft plastic lures. Throughout his talk, he distributed samples of his lures to the appreciative audience.
Club Fishing Events
Annual In House Derby 2017
Information and entry forms for the In House Derby can be found on our website.
Remember, every entry is entered in a prize drawing.
Click here for 2017 In House Derby Information
Click here for 2017 In Hose Derby Entry Form
2017 Annual In House Derby Leaderboard
Click here for 2017 In Hose Derby Entry Form
2017 Annual In House Derby Leaderboard
- Shore bass fly rod :
- 29.5 inches X 15.5 inches, Bill Cottle 5/3/17
- 28.0 inches X 14 inches. Bill Cottle 5/15/17
- Shore bluefish:
- 10 lbs. 13 oz., Jack Creighton 5/18/17
- Boat Bluefish:
- 12 lbs. Jack Creighton 7/12/17
- Striper catch and release:
- 38 inches X 20 inches. William "Nick" Nicholson 6/2/17
- 35 inches X 20.5 inches, William "Nick" Nicolson 5/23/17
- 33 inches X 17 inches. Jay Pavick. 7/12/17
- Boat striper:
- 23 lbs.: William "Nick" Nicholson 5/23/17
- Striper Charter Boat
- 32 pounds 8 ounces: Bruce MacLeod. 7/12/17
- 30 pounds 11 ounces: Joe Healey. 6/3/17
- 28 pounds 8 ounces: Jack Creighton. 6/29/17
- Fluke:
- 10 pounds 1 ounce: Ken Whiting. 6/26/17
- Black Sea Bass:
- 4 pounds 2 ounces: Jay Pavick. 6/2/17
- Unusual Catch:
- Striper Head after a Great White ate rest of fish: Bruce MacLeod
Salties Fish Tales
Canal Trip - End of August
Jay Pavick with his First Bass 40" or better at 28.7 pounds
Jay Pavick with his First Bass 40" or better at 28.7 pounds