Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June President's Message

Last month we had the cod supper. We had 92 paid members and three guests for one of our bigger turnouts in recent years. Everyone but me marveled at the fish cooked by Lou MacKeil and his able crew. It was a job well done by membership!!

The June 25 meeting will feature Captain Bill Brown giving a presentation on light tackle shark fishing. It should be interesting!

The 2014 Cod Trip in May was a disaster. We had only 25 members who committed, so we had to cancel the boat rental. Although it only cost us $40 a person, those who had signed up went out on a sold-out boat of 65 fishermen, 25 more than if we had been on our own trip. If we don’t get enough members for our own trip next year, the cod trip will be cancelled. On a good note, Salty George Ford was the pool winner for the biggest cod.

The fluke trip scheduled for July 17 is also in serious trouble. If we do not get a big commitment of verbal pledges within 48 hours, we will have to cancel this year’s trip. It would a shame after nine successful runs. The application is on the website, but if you plan to attend, please email me (address at bottom of letter).

The Learn to Fish Day will be August 17. The committee met last Tuesday night, and chairman Ed Wagner wants to advertise a flea market of used fishing gear from donations of Salties. If you have anything to donate, you can bring it to the June 25 meeting. Also, if you want to volunteer, make sure to sign up at the June 25 meeting when the sheet is passed around.

Captain John Greska and his boat Janina have been very successful on their black sea bass and fluke trips. Also, recently several Salties caught bass in the mid-20’s on the Janina. Some of us are catching bass all over the Cape; however, the canal has been the slowest for any of us in recent years.

On a serious side note, although I don’t know what could be more serious than not being able to get a fishing club to go out on fluke and cod trips, 69 members did not renew their memberships for 2014, and unfortunately we lost three members due to death, for a total of 72. We did have an increase of new members that offset the 69, but many of those 69 were long-time members. Unfortunately, this will be the last communication those 69 people will get from the Salties.

Instead of a workshop at the June 25 meeting, we should have a serious conversation on what the membership wants or expects from the club. Put your thinking caps on – no suggestion is unwanted!

Thanks, and hook ‘em up! Don’t forget the suntan lotion!


(, 508 394-2983)