The April meeting went off without any worries about snow! Captain Mike Bosley from Dragonfly Charters gave an excellent presentation on locating and catching fish. He should get some interest from Salties interested in going out striper or tuna fishing as the season goes on.
In addition to Captain Bosley, several other people spoke at the last meeting. Lisa Sette from the Endangered Mammals in Provincetown gave us tide charts and phone numbers, and Paul Caruso from the Division of Marine Fisheries spoke on sea bass and fluke quotas. We also heard fromChris Parisi from On the Water Magazine and from our own Bruce Brady, on Coast Guard inspections at no-cost for your seagoing equipment. Brian Everett from the Town of Dennis Natural Resources Department thanked us for the Scargo Lake herring run clean-up. Captain John Greska spoke on his in-house Salties Striped Bass & Bluefish Derby, and he is also giving a great price on sea bass and fluke trips. Captain Terry Nugent of Riptide Charters spoke on his in-house Salties Bass & Bluefish Derby.
We also held a special drawing for a 25” false albacore handcarved by our own Ken Whiting. Joe O’Leary won, and the raffle raised $500 for the club!
Our next meeting is May 28, and it is the Annual Fish Supper. The registration form is on our website at under the Events tab.
Regarding the herring runs, the eight or nine members – and you guys know who you are – who did the Yarmouth and Dennis cleanups, along with those of you who are counting in Harwich, should take pride in an article in May 4’s Cape Cod Times about the herring run resurgence. I would like to think that we, in our own way, contributed to this resurgence.
Our next event is the Cod Trip on May 14 on the Captain John. Chairman Bruce MacLeod and VP Joe Giannetti went out on May 3 and did quite well, so we should have a good trip. They were fishing in 245 feet of water.
Although the attendance at the recent Wives & Sweethearts Appreciation Dinner at Alberto’s was not as high as in previous years, those who came had a great time. Co-chairs John Serijan and Mike Santoian had nineteen gift certificates/prizes, with almost every lady present winning a minimum of $25.00. In addition, all the women present received a special Salties hand-turned plug keychain, designed and made by our own Bob Davies. The women also received lovely gift bags put together by Sheila Howe. Four lucky ladies also won the opportunity to fish on The Striper with Capt. Jim Luce in June. Two more ladies will be chosen at the fish supper on May 28.
Several members have requested that we compile a members’ directory with phone numbers and/or emails so that members can contact each other. At the fish supper we will attempt to get a chairman for this project and see what the members’ response would be to the idea. If you do not plan to attend the fish supper, please email me with your thoughts.
In closing, the fish are here! Anyone catching fish who would like to be involved in the Salties scale program can send me an email, and I will get an envelope to you. We are taking scales onstripers, sea bass, scup, and fluke. It only takes a minute, and our work will contribute greatly to the information gathered by the state to make their decisions on quotas and fish stocks.
Thanks, and hook ‘em up! Don’t forget the suntan lotion!
(, 508 394-2983)
P.S. The first non-officer of the club who emails me the date of the herring article in the Cape Cod Times (mentioned above) will be awarded a signed Bob Davies plug!