My first year as your
president flew by. Many members helped considerably in making this
what I believe to be a successful year. I want to thank each and
every one of you for making the Salties Sportfishing Club a better
December was time for our annual election, with all officers staying the same except for Bill Cottle stepping down as vice president and Joe Giannetti stepping in. I’d like to take this time to thank Bill for all his years of service to the Cape Cod Salties and for running the In-House Derby, a very time-consuming task. Joe has some big shoes to fill!
The Bylaw Committee, chaired by Barry Sullivan, is presenting a bylaw change, at the request of the Board of Directors. The change proposes that the terms of the president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer will be for two years and not one year. We will vote on this change at the January meeting.
I am trying to fill a few positions. First, Steve Israelian would like to step down as the ad manager for the newsletter. Second, Vin Foti and Steve Unsworth would like someone to take over the Wives & Sweethearts Dinner. Finally, we need someone to take over the one-day September Derby. Please let me know if you are interested in any of these positions.
Bruce Brady and the Chatham Flotilla of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary are going to run a five-week boating safety course on boating skills and obtaining a state boating license. It will be held at the Chatham Community Center at a cost of $35.00 for adults. The first class is on January 15. To enroll, google USCGAUX Chatham.
At the December meeting, the club voted to join the RI Saltwater Anglers Association as a club affiliation. This gives us an opportunity to be involved with over 6,500 other sport recreational anglers on fishery issues. We also voted at that meeting to send $250.00 to the Cape Cod Needy Fund.
On a sad note, on December 2 we lost member Mike Eacobacci. We send our sympathy to his family, and we sent a donation to the Northeastern University Engineering Department in his memory.
Don’t forget that our Awards Banquet is on March 8 at the Doubletree by Hilton in Hyannis. A reservation form is attached. Don’t forget to try to round up some prizes for this fundraiser/banquet. Also, remember to bring in a new plug for the plug bucket, which will be a great prize! Be sure to note the reduced rate for Salties at the DoubleTree on the night of the banquet – reduced from $129.00 to $89.00 plus tax.
Thanks, and hook ‘em up!